Energy Work

Energy therapy is a modality that I combine with CST (craniosacral therapy) to gather more information about the body and other areas of the client’s life.

CST works to restore the body’s natural rhythm by tuning into the CSR (cranio sacral rhythm) and establishing homeostasis.  The touch during CST is very minimal and light in nature. The terminology used to describe how I receive information is clairvoyance, an extrasensory knowing. There is also clairsentience where I receive intuitive messages through my hands while touching a client’s head or while using a CST technique. Oftentimes I will just hear a message (clairaudience) and start to describe details around the message as it channels through me. Throughout the session, I may do some storytelling to relate the esoteric concepts to tangible life experiences for better understanding.

When I am offering energy therapy, I am using my psychic, medium capabilities, but I never deliver or share information without the consent of the client.

I always ask for permission to work on a client's energy and share any pictures or words I receive. Results of an energy therapy session include movement towards goals, improvement in relationships, and letting go/distancing from situations/relationships. Energy work raises a person’s frequency and dissolves and eliminates old, stagnant energy and thought patterns from the body. Anything connected to the former frequency will no longer function, as your frequency elevates, you will draw in more compatible relationships and experiences. It’s recommended that the client allow a good three weeks minimum for the upgrades to integrate before having any follow-up sessions.